In defining relative clauses, who, which, whom can be replaced with that. HINT! We've got a defining relative clause. Them must be replaced with that in this sentence. CORRECT! A quantity phrase with whom is placed at the front of the modifying clause and then the clause is placed directly after the noun it … Relative Pronouns Exercises 2 - GrammarBank 1. What's the name of the man car you borrowed? 2. A cemetery is a place people are buried. 3. A pacifist is a person believes that all wars are wrong. 4. An orphan is a child parents have passed away. 5. The town we spent the holidays was very beautiful. 6. This school is … PDF DATABASE - Material didáctico en PDF: REPHRASING ... pdf database - material didáctico en pdf etiquetas. rephrasing variado - 1º /2º bachillerato - lote 1 rephrasing variado - 1º /2º bachillerato - lote 2 . tiempos verbales (todos los tiempos) - verbal tenses (all) relative clauses - lote i. voz pasiva ejercicios - passive voice exercices. ejercicios voz pasiva - lote i … Relative clauses in English - exercises advanced level esl Relative pronouns and clauses in English - grammar exercises. Relative sentences exercises advanced level esl. What, where, who, whom, whose, which, that, when
Sep 01, 2016 · Let’s focus on the verb “ look at ”— We look at something or someone. That something or someone is the object of the preposition “ at.”. I am looking at a woman.; She is looking at the water. If I want to turn these sentences into adjective clauses, I must keep the preposition:. The woman at whom I am looking is sitting near the ocean.; The water at which she is looking is blue. English B1 (PET): RELATIVE CLAUSES TUTORIALES (vídeos): RELATIVE CLAUSES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lBL3GlImGA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9EnVC5KMVU https:// Understanding Relative Clauses Understanding Relative Clauses A relative (or adjective) clause modifies a noun or pronoun and is introduced by a relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, which, or that) or occasionally a relative adverb (usually when, where, or why). Relative clauses function as subordinate or dependent clauses and therefore cannot stand alone as complete sentences. Page 1 of 4 Participle Phrases (as reduced relative clauses?)
24 Oct 2013 4. Mixed Rephrasing III + Relatives + Clauses - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A clause of this kind is essential to clear understanding of the noun. The boy who was playing is my brother. Defining Relative Pronouns. SUBJECT OBJECT Relative clauses 1. Re-write the sentences so that they have the same meaning as the original. You must use a relative pronoun. Use these relative pronouns to combine the sentences: who, which and that. 1. Copyright © Rob Whyte 2010. Paraphrasing 5: Combining with Clauses. Page 2 Download this quiz in PDF here. Relative Clauses 1. Add the phrase in brackets to the sentence using 'that' or 'who' and a relative clause: 9 Nov 2009 This is a review about relative clauses with rephrasing and an outline about the use of relative clauses. Defining and non-defining relative clauses (who, whom, whose, which, that). Exercises with answers and grammar rules with examples. Also in PDF.
2º BACHILLERATO - Departamento de Idiomas Colegio Infantes PROFESORES DEL DEPARTAMENTO. BEATRIZ ALBA beatriz@colegioinfantes.com. LOLA ALBERCA lola@colegioinfantes.com My English notes : Relative clauses: rephrasing exercises ... Relative clauses: rephrasing exercises with answers. en mayo 14, 2018. Enviar por correo electrónico Escribe un blog Compartir con Twitter Compartir con Facebook Compartir en Pinterest. Etiquetas: Relative clauses. No hay comentarios: Publicar un comentario. … RELATIVE CLAUSES - edu.xunta.gal